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Protect Your Pets During A Cold Front

Always make sure your pet has a warm place to go when the temperatures drop. Remember, if it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet…

The Animal Services Office is urging residents to protect their pets during cold weather this weekend. Always make sure your pet has a warm place to go when the temperatures drop. Remember, if it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for your pet.

Bring outdoor pets inside, if possible. For those pets and livestock who cannot be brought inside, keep them warm and safe by providing shelter like a doghouse or shed with blankets or straw.

Stray pets and wildlife will be seeking warmth too. If you leave your car outside overnight, make sure to bang the hood of the car with your hand before turning on the engine. Neighborhood cats or other animals can crawl inside engines to find warmth and can be seriously injured when your car is turned on.

The Animal Services Office operates the Austin Animal Center, the largest municipal animal shelter in Central Texas and the largest “no-kill” shelter in the United States. They provide shelter to more than 18,000 animals annually.

Their goal is to provide a safe place for lost and homeless animals and to educate our community in order to prevent animal homelessness and promote compassionate treatment of animals and responsible pet ownership.


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