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UPDATE: UT Receives Temporary Restraining Order On Moving Statues

The University of Texas at Austin will not be relocating the statues of Jefferson Davis and Woodrow Wilson on Saturday, Aug. 15, as initially planned.

In response to a request for a temporary restraining order that was filed in state district court Friday afternoon, the university has agreed to wait to move the statues until a court has a chance to review this matter next week.

Universities have the discretion under state law to relocate statues on their campuses. President Fenves’ decision to move the Jefferson Davis statue to UT’s Briscoe Center for American History is both the right course forward and consistent with the law. We are confident we will move ahead with these plans.

The is a statement from university spokesman Gary Susswein:

For more information, contact: Gary Susswein, Office of the President, 512-471-4945 (o), 512-694-7909 (c).

Photographer | Wally Gobetz

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