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Cornyn Discusses Tax Reform, 2018 Agenda Ahead Of Camp David Retreat

‘What we need is to restore a legal immigration system and enforcement. Our country has been really made great by the two great pillars of our immigration system. One is legal immigration, and the second is the rule of law.’

WASHINGTON – Today U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) appeared on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom to discuss the Senate’s legislative accomplishments in 2017, a path forward on the solution for DACA recipients, and the 2018 legislative agenda. Excerpts from the interview and video are below.

Solution for DACA Recipients

“I agree with Kevin McCarthy that there is a deal to be had here. What we need is to restore a legal immigration system and enforcement. Our country has been really made great by the two great pillars of our immigration system. One is legal immigration, and the second is the rule of law. We’ve unfortunately simply sacrificed the rule of law and order in recent years and President Trump, to his credit, is trying to restore it.”

“The President said yesterday at our meeting that we needed to have a bipartisan meeting… to begin to compare proposals and to try to meet in the middle somewhere.”

“But the President has also made clear he wants to deal with chain migration and he wants to deal with the diversity lottery visa. Those are things that he has insisted upon. He’s got the right to insist upon them, and if Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin want a deal, they’ll have to address that along with the border security component which I’ve been a primary advocate for.”

Senate’s Legislative Accomplishments in 2017

“Coming on the heels of a historic tax bill, which leaves more money in people’s take-home pay, I think people will begin to see that in February, along with the incredible confidence that people now have in our economy as evidenced by not only the stock market but consumer confidence generally. I think the regulatory rollback of the Trump administration after the overreach of the previous eight years, together with things like tax relief and getting good judges confirmed like Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court of the United States all up and down the judiciary, I think we’ve got a good record to run on in 2018.”

Senate’s Legislative Agenda for 2018

“Obviously the biggest challenge we have is now in the Senate, we have 51 Republicans and 49 Democrats. There is no way of getting things done this year without bipartisan support. But I think there are clearly some areas where we can work together.”


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