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Texas AG Paxton Hands Down Opinion On Handguns And Security In Texas Churches

After the mass shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas AG said allowing a church congregation to carrying handguns into church could stop such tragedies of happening in other churches.


Recently, Texas Attorney General handed down an opinion on just how far Texas churches can go in securing the safety of their congregation and how much it would cost them.

After the mass shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton said allowing a church congregation to carrying handguns into church could stop such tragedies of happening in other churches.

Additionally, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick had asked the attorney general to clarify Texas law on the rights of churches and what options are available to them and their congregants to protect themselves. History shows that churches have been a place of refuge and sanctuary.

KP-0176 Whether handgun license holders may carry handguns on the premises of a church that does not post signs excluding handguns and whether churches are exempt from the private security fees charged to private institutions (RQ-0196-KP) Summary: Unless a church provides effective oral or written notice prohibiting the carrying of handguns on its property, a license holder may carry a handgun on church property as the law otherwise allows. The regulations of the Private Security Act, including the fees required thereunder, do not apply to Texas churches when providing volunteer security services consistent with the requirements of section 1702.333 of the Occupations Code.

Recent requests for Attorney General Opinions

RQ-0197-KP: The Honorable Luis V. Saenz, Cameron County District Attorney, Authority of a Justice of the Peace to hire a bailiff and warrant officer and related duties of a constable.

RQ-0198-KP: The Honorable J.M. Lozano, Chair, Committee on Higher Education, Texas House of Representatives, Whether a member of a school district board of trustees is subject to the resign to run provisions of article 16, section 65 of the Texas Constitution and whether an officeholder listed in that section automatically resigns by making a statement that the officeholder is considering or exploring a candidacy for another office.

RQ-0200-KP: Mr. Edward A. Dion, El Paso County Auditor, County authority to collect or delegate the collection of money owed to the county.

RQ-0204-KP: The Honorable Renee Ann Mueller, Washington County Attorney, Authority of a Justice of the Peace to designate a specific peace officer or law enforcement agency to execute an emergency detention warrant under section 573.012(d) of the Health and Safety Code.


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