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San Marcos City Council Defers Code SMTX Public Hearing

A public hearing and first reading for Code SMTX originally scheduled for the Jan. 16 City Council meeting will be deferred… 

According to the City of San Marcos, a public hearing and first reading for Code SMTX that was originally scheduled for the Jan. 16 meeting will be deferred to allow City staff to provide additional information to Council.

A work session to discuss Code SMTX has been set for Jan. 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room at City Hall, 630 E. Hopkins.

The work session is open to the public and will be broadcast on screens in the City Council Chambers if additional seating is needed.

“This additional work session will allow our team to focus on outstanding topics and to provide options and recommendations to Council as they move forward with a decision on Code SMTX,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras.

Topics for Discussion will include:

  • Neighborhood Districts
  • Addition of Existing Neighborhood Regulating Plans
  • Single Family Preservation Buffer
  • Regulation of Flag Signs
  • Affordable Housing
  • Neighborhood Character Studies

Code SMTX is the four year process to update the City of San Marcos Land Development Code, which contains rules for development and regulates land use in San Marcos.  The Code is being revised so that new development fits the community’s vision for future growth as detailed in the Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Master Plan, adopted in 2013.

Outreach for Code SMTX has included almost 120 meetings, open houses or presentations to community groups, residents, development professionals, boards, Think Tank, and City Council.  Additional correspondence has included more than 2,000 mailers, 40 e-newsletters and the receipt of almost 2,500 comments from respondents.

City Council will set a new date for the public hearing and first reading of the Code following this workshop. More information on Code SMTX is available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/CodeSMTX.


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