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Completion, Graduation, and Dropouts

It seems that half of San Marcos Complains about our schools and the other half say it’s a “PERCEPTION PROBLEM.”
Here are some links to some very good reports compiled by the State of Texas and TEA.
Take a look and let us know what you think.
Following is a list of resources related to graduates and dropouts in Texas public schools.
View Texas public school completion, graduation, and dropout data at the state level or search by campus, district, county, or education service center region.
View reports on secondary school completion, graduation, and dropouts in Texas public schools.
Additional Documents
View presentations and technical documentation related to secondary school completion, graduation, and dropouts in Texas public schools.
The Accountability Research Unit in the Division of Research and Analysis publishes an annual report on graduates and dropouts in Texas public secondary schools, as well as special reports on related topics. The annual report includes state summaries of the annual dropout rate, longitudinal graduation, completion, and dropout rates, and state attrition rates. Supplements to the report present secondary school completion, graduation, and dropout data at the county, district, and campus levels.
  • View data at the state level or search by campus, district, county, or education service center region
  • Dropout rates published by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), a key component of the state’s Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS), have been criticized in recent years for not presenting an accurate picture of the dropout phenomenon in Texas public schools. TEA Rider 71 of the General Appropriations Act (House Bill 1, 76th Texas Legislature, Regular Session) directed the Legislative Budget Board, State Auditor’s Office, and TEA to conduct a study of the current system used to identify and report students who do not graduate from high school or those who drop out of school before enrolling in high school. Also, the study must determine the actual number and percentage of students who do not complete high school within four years of enrolling in 9th grade. This report presents the findings and recommendations from that study. The recommendations address three areas in which the current annual dropout rate has been criticized: dropout definition; dropout rate calculation; and data quality.
1997-98 Report on Public School Dropouts (September 1999), PDF (772 KB)
1996-97 Report on Public School Dropouts (August 1998), PDF (85 KB) (Note: Appendices A and B are not available in this PDF.)
  • This report investigates issues surrounding the use of a longitudinal performance measure in the Texas integrated accountability system. A detailed discussion of a high school completion rate is presented, along with an overview of other school performance measures.
The following reports are not available in PDF. For additional information please e-mail the Texas Education Agency Office of Publications or contact the office by phone at 512-463-9744.
  • 1995-96 Report on Public School Dropouts (August 1997)
  • 1994-95 Report on Public School Dropouts (August 1996)
  • 1993-94 Report on Public School Dropouts (September 1995)
  • 1992-93 Report on Public School Dropouts (January 1995)
Following is a list of presentations related to graduates and dropouts in Texas public schools.

Technical Documentation
Following is a list of technical documents related to graduates and dropouts in Texas public schools.
Processing of District Graduation and Dropout Rates, Class of 2014


Processing of District Graduation and Dropout Rates, Class of 2013

Processing of District Graduation, Completion, and Dropout Rates, Class of 2012
Processing of District Graduation, Completion, and Dropout Rates, Class of 2011
Processing of District Graduation, Completion, and Dropout Rates, Class of 2010

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