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Hays Commissioners Court Thanks Buda PD Officers For Life-Saving Actions

Made aware that the situation was severe, the officers prepared en route for what they would find and put to use their medical training and the tourniquets they carry with them on their duty belts.



Hays County Courthouse,  TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court thanked two Buda Police Department officers January 9 for their quick response to a traffic accident that could have cost a Buda resident his life. The County will officially present Certificates of Appreciation to the officers during a Buda PD recognition ceremony.

“The heroic act of two officers … many believe actually saved his life,” Precinct 2 Commissioner Mark Jones said.

Buda PD Officers Sherwal Foulstone and Josh Albaraz were first on the scene when John “Fritz” Zavala had his leg severed in a motorcycle accident in early December. Made aware that the situation was severe, the officers prepared en route for what they would find and put to use their medical training and the tourniquets they carry with them on their duty belts.

“I appreciate everything they did for me,” Zavala said. “I wouldn’t be here for my wife and son … and hearing my son call ‘Dada’ and ‘Mama’ from his crib in the morning, and I thank them for what they did.”

The officers received a standing ovation from the audience when they approached the podium. Both complimented Zavala’s resilience and great attitude, which Commissioner Jones also said left him inspired when he visited Zavala in the hospital and probably led to the patient being discharged several days before expected —  he was home in time for Christmas.

Buda PD Chief Bo Kidd told the Court that he believes the medical training his officers receive is important for law enforcement officers and that his officers carry tourniquets with them at all times on their duty belts.

“I couldn’t be more proud of them,” Kidd said.

Hays County Sheriff’s Office deputies also receive medical training and carry tourniquets, as do many other law enforcement departments, since law enforcement often arrives at the scene even before EMS arrives.

Photo Attached-Left to right, Pct. 3 Commissioner Lon Shell; Officer Foulstone’s mother Pam Foulstone; Buda Police Chief Bo Kidd, Daphne Zavala and her husband John “Fritz” Zavala, Pct. 2 Commissioner Mark Jones, Officer Sherwal Foulstone and his fiancé Jennifer Hall, Officer Josh Albaraz and Pct. 4 Commissioner Ray Whisenant.


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