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Gary Job Corps Celebrates Student Graduation 2018

Over 1,400 students are trained at the 800-acre campus in 25 vocational offerings in Health, Support, Construction, or Manufacturing trades. 

Gary Job Corps celebrated the first Student Graduation Ceremony of 2018 by having Texas House Representative Jason Isaac as the featured speaker.

Representative Isaac shared with the graduates the needs for setting goals and not being afraid to fail, keep pushing ahead, life is about challenges.

Gary Job Corps is a federally funded vocational and academic program through the Department of Labor by Management & Training Corporation. Over 1,400 students are trained at the 800-acre campus in 25 vocational offerings in Health, Support, Construction, or Manufacturing trades. 

Pictured are Texas House Representative Jason Isaac, student graduates, Gary Job Corps Color Guard, Deputy Center Director Nathalene Matthews-Lee, staff members, Robyn Hernandez, Scott Ullmann, Irma Pardo, Susanne Ritter, Barbara Pitts, and Sean Schulz.


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