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Gary Job Corps Job Shadows At The Capitol

Gary Job Corps students from the Student Government Association visit the State Capitol in Austin to “shadow” the Texas Legislators to better understand the process of governing.

As the Groundhog got ready to look for his shadow, Gary Job Corps joined thousands of employers and students throughout the country who took part in “Groundhog Job Shadow Day,” on February 2, 2018.

Since 1999, the initiative to engage students in employment settings has paired student “shadows” with “workplace mentors” to demonstrate connections between academic and technical skills with careers.

Gary Job Corps students from the Student Government Association visit the State Capitol in Austin to “shadow” the Texas Legislators to better understand the process of governing.

Pictured are from the Gary Job Corps students: Kierra Morgan, and Hector Romero; staff members: Rachel Garnes, Irma Pardo, and Randolph Goodman.


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