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San Marcos Releases Draft Updates To Health Code, Asking For Resident Feedback

As a result, the City will be adopting updated rules and guidelines to its local ordinances pertaining to food establishments following consideration by City Council later in 2018…

On Friday, the City of San Marcos posted draft updates to the City’s Health Code online and asking residents to review and comment on them through the end of March.

The proposed updates, a comment form, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/restaurantrules beginning Friday, March 2.

In February, the City hosted a series of open houses covering the upcoming changes in the City’s adopted Health Code to align with state statute and rules pertaining to food establishments.

Residents are invited to review the proposed updates and submit comments, suggestions, or concerns online. An FAQ page is also available with responses to questions that were asked during the open houses in February.

On October 11, 2015, the Texas Department of State Health Services enacted new rules for food establishments. As a result, the City will be adopting updated rules and guidelines to its local ordinances pertaining to food establishments following consideration by City Council later in 2018.

Currently, the City operates under the adopted 2006 Texas Food Establishment Rules.

In addition to posting the proposed updates online, the Health Department is communicating directly with attendees from the February stakeholder meetings and food establishment permit holders.

For more information, contact the Health Department at 512.393.8440


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