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Stark Named City’s Communications And Intergovernmental Relations Director

“I’m excited to have Kristy lead our communication efforts as the voice of the City. Her prior experience and contacts within the community are valuable assets for our executive team…”

City Manager Bert Lumbreras has appointed Kristy Stark as the Director of Communications and Intergovernmental Relations with the City of San Marcos, effective Feb. 26, 2018.

Stark has served in an interim capacity since September 2017 and began her career with the city as a contracted Public Information Specialist in 2010.

Kristy Stark

Since June 2011, she served as the Assistant Director of Planning and Development Services.

During her tenure, she streamlined the development process and successfully implemented the nationally-award winning MyPermitNow, which reduced the City’s overall permit turnaround time by 70 percent.

In 2013, she assisted in leading the team in updating and adopting the Comprehensive Master Plan Vision San Marcos.

Additionally, Stark has been involved in Code SMTX, the ongoing process to update the Land Development Code.

“I’m excited to have Kristy lead our communication efforts as the voice of the City. Her prior experience and contacts within the community are valuable assets for our executive team. She will be instrumental in advancing the City’s overall image, legislative agenda and ensuring the community stays informed and engaged,” Lumbreras said. “Kristy has increased our direct communication with Council on key events, demonstrated a lot of initiative around how we connect with our citizens and essentially shown she is a valued member of our team.”

Stark graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and advertising from the University of Central Oklahoma and has been active in many community organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, CASA Wing Society and the Chamber of Commerce where she was awarded the first Community Inspiration Award.

She is a member of the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA), Urban Land Institute, American Planning Association, Congress for New Urbanism and is a Certified Risk Manager. Kristy and her husband, Jim, reside in San Marcos.


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