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Gov. Abbott Announces LIFE Initiative In Response To Planned Parenthood Videos

In response to the release of gruesome videos filmed at Planned Parenthood facilities, including Gulf Coast in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott today announced initiatives to provide greater protections for children in the womb and prevent the sale of baby body parts.


“Gruesome – and potentially illegal – harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood cannot be allowed in Texas,” said Governor Abbott. “Treating unborn children as commodities to be sold is an abomination. The barbaric practice of harvesting and selling baby body parts must end.’


Governor Abbott announced the following proposals that will be tenets of the LIFE Initiative, some of which will be implemented now, others that will require changes to the law:


Laws must be changed to (1) make it a felony under Texas law to perform a partial-birth abortion; and (2) make it illegal for abortion doctors to risk a woman’s health by altering the procedure to preserve fetal body parts.


Improve and expand the availability of adoption services; and increase awareness about Texas’ already best-in-the-nation child-support enforcement program, so that young mothers considering how to deal with pregnancy know the father will be held accountable to support his family.


Funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers out of taxpayer money must be eliminated completely, both at the State and local levels.


Eliminate and criminalize any sale or transaction of fetal tissue by an abortion clinic for any purpose whatsoever.


There are several investigations ongoing at a swift pace. The information revealed in those investigations will yield additional information that could further shape Governor Abbott’s LIFE Initiative.

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