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Texas Education Agency: House Bill 4 Implementation Survey

Editors Note: This is an email that was sent out to all of Texas School administration. This NOT a survey for the public use, only for Administration and Teachers. We are supplying this to you so you know what is happening in our school system that is under the “Public Information Act.” We have also included a printable PDF of the Survey. 
SUBJECT: House Bill 4 Implementation Survey
House Bill (HB) 4 establishes additional state support for high-quality prekindergarten programs including authorization for a grant program for Texas public schools. The purpose of this letter is to ask districts and charter schools to provide input by participating in a brief voluntary survey so the TEA can best support the needs of local education agencies (LEAs).
The HB 4 Implementation Survey can be accessed through the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZSLRFYDWe ask that you submit only one response per LEA. Survey responses should be submitted by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. Attached is a copy of the survey questions for your review. The deadline to submit survey responses is October 7, 2015.
There will be additional opportunities for stakeholder input throughout the fall 2015. We will provide updates and details regarding these opportunities through the Early Childhood Education listserv at https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXTEA/subscriber/new.
For questions regarding the survey or HB 4 implementation, please contact Howard Morrison, Statewide Coordinator for Early Childhood Education, by telephone at (512) 463-9581 or by email at howard.morrison@tea.texas.gov.
Monica Martinez
Associate Commissioner
Standards and Programs


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