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Blanco River Flood Mitigation Project San Marcos Community Meeting To Be Held

“The goal of the meeting is to listen to citizens’ observations and concerns prior to determining solutions,” said Laurie Moyer, Director of Engineering.

City Engineers will host a public meeting on Wednesday, April 18 in Room 2 of the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins, at 6 p.m. to gather comments on proposed infrastructure projects that are being considered for flood mitigation on the Blanco River.

“The goal of the meeting is to listen to citizens’ observations and concerns prior to determining solutions,” said Laurie Moyer, Director of Engineering. “After alternatives are analyzed, a second public meeting will be held to show which alternatives rise to the top.”

The City has received Federal disaster recovery funds for the Blanco Riverine Flood Mitigation project. Previous studies have identified several options to prevent flooding from the Blanco River when it over tops its banks. 

City engineers will give a brief presentation followed by the opportunity for attendees to visit with consultants and staff to give comments, ask questions and express any concerns. Maps of the Blanco River area will be available for participants to identify specific locations of interest or concern.

Residents are encouraged to attend and provide comments.

For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit http://www.sanmarcostx.gov/1536/Blanco-Riverine-Project.


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