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City Of Austin Considers P3 For Fire Stations

Right now, there’s $31 million tentatively slated for three new fire stations.

– The city of Austin needs five new fire stations. Construction estimates for the facilities total $66.4 million over a 10-year period if a public-private partnership takes place.

The new stations would be built in Travis County ($16.1 million), Canyon Creek ($19.5 million), Goodnight Ranch ($13.9 million), Del Valle/Moore’s Crossing ($14 million) and Loop 360/Davenport ($22.9 million).

City council will have to decide by August what to include in a 2018 bond vote for November. Right now, there’s $31 million tentatively slated for three new fire stations. The city also could consider a public-private partnership (P3) to speed up the construction timeline.

Some Austin homeowners are hoping to see the fire stations built sooner since the rates on their homeowner’s insurance are projected to rise as much as $1,000 this year.

The reason for the jump in insurance rates is the distance from the home to the nearest fire station. T

hose distances are reflected in the average number of minutes it takes to get from the nearest station to a home requesting fire, medical or other emergency assistance from the fire department.

The national goal of arrival on a call is eight minutes or less 90 percent of the time.

This story originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.


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