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Texas State Football To Host Wonderland Students

Wonderland School, a privately owned, state-approved school, was established in 1965 by Mrs. Shirley Fife.

The Texas State University coach and players will host the students of Wonderland School for a day of “FUN” at Bobcat Stadium.

Wonderland School’s students raised $724 for the American Heart Association.

Touched by the donation, Texas State Coach, Everett Withers, and the Texas State Football program has invited Wonderland’s K thru 6th-grade students to the stadium for lunch, drills and pictures with Texas State football printers.

Wonderland is still looking for parent volunteers to help provide pizza, fruit trays, cookie trays and water bottles for lunch.

Students will be bused over to Bobcat Stadium around 11:00 AM and will leave to return to the school around 1:00 PM. Before leaving, the players and coach will give the kids a tour of the locker rooms.

Fruit trays, cookie trays and water bottles for lunch can be dropped off at Wonderland on Monday, April 23. Pizzas should be ordered from Dominos and delivered to 1100 Aquarena Springs Dr. by 11:15 PM.

For more information, visit Wonderland school’s Facebook page.

Wonderland School, a privately owned, state-approved school, was established in 1965 by Mrs. Shirley Fife.

Over the past 50 plus years, the school has grown from 10 students, taught in a dining room, to over 200 students taught in a 14,000 square-foot building on the outskirts of San Marcos.

        Wonderland students with their teacher, Rebecca Cruz, who helped contribute to the school’s total donation.


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