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San Marcos Planning & Zoning To Consider Hilton’s CUP, La Cima Rezoning

Planning and Zoning Commission meets every other Tuesday in the City Council Chambers.

By, Staff

San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commissioners will host three public hearings during tonight’s meeting.

Commissioners will hold a public hearing and consider the approval of the Qualified Watershed Protection Plan Phase 2 for the Fitzroy Apartment Complex and the extension of Cottonwood Parkway.

Richard Weik submitted a request on behalf of Action Hotel Group for the renewal of Hilton Garden Inn’s Conditional Use Permit allowing the hotel to sell mixed beverages for consumption on the premise

Finally, Commissioners will hold a public hearing and consider a request by Doug Goss on behalf of LSCM PH. 1-1, LLC, for a zoning change in the La Cima project. The request asks for approximately 59.734 acres to be changed from Future Development to “SF-4.5” Single Family described as La Cima Phase 1, Section 1.

On the consent agenda, Commissioners will also consider a request by Hugo Elizondo Jr. on behalf of SLFII, McCarty, LP for a Final Plat of approximately 14.76 acres and the approval of meeting minutes from the meetings on March 27 and April 10.

The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM in the City Council Chambers.


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