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Austin Joins Global Cities For Leadership Exchange Program Addressing Urban Affordability For The Creative Sector

The Exchange will bring together thought leaders from Austin, Amsterdam, London, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Warsaw. The cities will explore urban affordability for the creative sector and establish…

AUSTIN, TX—May 22, 2018—This June, representatives from the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department will join cultural leaders from around the world to explore and address global challenges facing creative communities.

Funded by an award from Bloomberg Philanthropies and Google Arts & Culture, staffers from Austin’s Cultural Arts and Global Business Divisions will participate in the first-ever Leadership Exchange Program, an initiative of the World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF) of which Austin is a member.

Hosted in Toronto and led by the non-profit creative placemaking organization Artscape, the Exchange will bring together thought leaders from Austin, Amsterdam, London, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Warsaw. The cities will explore urban affordability for the creative sector and establish global best practices for retaining and growing affordable creative spaces.  

“The City of Austin recognizes the affordability crisis facing our citizens, including those in our creative community, and has identified this issue as a key priority,” said Meghan Wells, Manager of Austin’s Cultural Arts Division. “Participation in the Leadership Exchange Program will enable us to address this challenge with an eye toward what is working in other cities and develop creative solutions to add to our strategies and resources.”
Kate Levin, Chair of the Leadership Exchange Jury and program lead for Bloomberg Philanthropies Arts, added, “By creating the opportunity for cities to learn firsthand about the activities and approaches of their peers, the Leadership Exchange Program will advance the unique capacity of the creative sector in addressing civic issues.”
Cities are laboratories for the development of creative solutions. As Mayors around the world invest in cultural projects ranging from cultural facilities and arts programming, to affordable workspace, tourism, engagement and sustainability, the Leadership Exchange Program is an unparalleled opportunity to bring cities together for peer-to-peer learning.

Members of WCCF are united in the belief that culture plays a critical role in addressing challenges facing creative communities, and the Leadership Exchange Program will be a catalyst for positive change globally.


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