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Some Programs At Price Center Taking Summer Hiatus

The Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association, Inc. Seniors Center (generally known as “The Price Center” ), serves as a facilitating agency to provide stimulating cultural, social and intellectual opportunities for proposed inter-generational encounters.

San Marcos, TX – As the summer heat soars many San Marcans take a break from their normal routines to stay inside or even leave the area for a cooler clime.

As a result, some of the programs and services regularly available at the Price Center are taking a brief summer hiatus.

In-house catering, 1st Sunday Brunch service, the Irish Set Dance Class, and certain of the ComDance and Tai Chi classes are all taking a break over the next few weeks.

In-house catering services will return Aug. 8 and 1st Sunday Brunch will return Sept. 2. ComDance’s Dance Fitness, Beginning Jazz and Line Dance classes will take a break July 15 – Aug. 12.

Margaret Falletta’s Thursday Tai Chi classes will return on Sept. 6, and the Irish Set Dancers will return to their Tuesday night slot August 7.

The Center will maintain its normal Mon. – Fri, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. hours and be available for [private rental throughout the summer. For more information about Price Center activities, please call 512-392-2900, stop by 222 W. San Antonio St., or visit price-center.org.


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