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Hays County Sheriff’s Office Receive Outstanding Crime Prevention Award

The Texas Crime Prevention Association has recognized the Hays County Sheriff’s Office for its many outreach programs and community involvement.

The Hays County Sheriff’s Office received “The Outstanding Crime Prevention Award, Medium Agency, for 2017 in the State of Texas.”

The award was presented to Sheriff Cutler and other representatives at the Texas Crime Prevention Association’s 2018 annual conference.

The Texas Crime Prevention Association has recognized the Hays County Sheriff’s Office for its many outreach programs and community involvement.

Some of these programs include the Junior Deputy Academy, Sheriff’s Citizens Academy, the active alumni association, the Brown Santa program that provides food and children’s toys for more than 300 families during the holiday season, hosting the Sunshine Kids (children undergoing cancer treatment), and numerous other programs designed to inform and educate our citizens.

Pictured are members of the Community Outreach Unit (left to right): Lt. Todd Riffe, Deputy Mark Andrews, Administrative Assistant Irene Hernandez, Deputy Stephen Traeger, and Sheriff Gary Cutler.


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