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UPDATE: Locally Heavy Rains Possible Stay Alert, Changing Weather Conditions

Hays County Statement: The National Weather Service has advised that Central Texas, including Hays and surrounding counties, could experience heavy rain and localized flooding through the weekend.
Hays County Emergency Management is aware of the potential for flooding and is closely monitoring the situation to determine what county response might be needed.
Emergency information is posted at www.HaysInformed.com. Through coordination with the City of Austin, by choosing the Road Closures tab you can monitor road closures in Travis, Hays and some other nearby counties.
Residents and visitors should pay close attention to weather via weather radio, media reports and NWS updates. Areas that have recently lost vegetation due to flooding or fires could see above average rainfall runoff, leading to enhanced flooding threats.
In Hays County, which is still recovering from the Memorial Day weekend floods, a number of low water crossing sensors remain out of service. Sensors at low-water crossings at Wayside Drive, CR 1492, Hidden Valley Road, Little Arkansas Road, Post Road (which is closed due to bridge damage), Uhland Road, Bell Springs Road and Trautwein Road are not functioning; however, Hays County Transportation Department crews will stage barricades at those locations and be prepared to close off access if needed.
Take extra care when approaching any low-water crossing. As always, never enter any low-water crossing if water is over the road or appears about to go over the road, and never go around barricaded roads – turn around, don’t drown.

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