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Supplemental Funding for Prekindergarten

The 84th Texas Legislature provided an appropriation for supplemental prekindergarten funding for the 2015­–2016 and 2016–2017 school years. The rider language specifies that “the Commissioner of Education shall allocate $15,000,000 in General Revenue in each fiscal year of the 2016-17 biennium for the purpose of providing supplemental funds for prekindergarten consistent with the provisions of Texas Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter E. The Commissioner shall allocate funds on the basis of eligible prekindergarten students in average daily attendance.”
Prekindergarten Supplemental Funding: The Texas Education Agency will process 2015–2016 payments this month for supplemental prekindergarten services based on an allotment of $155 per 2014–2015 prekindergarten student in average daily attendance. The links at the end of this letter provide spreadsheets with the amount of the allotments for the 2015–2016 school year:
Coding and Reporting Prekindergarten Supplemental Funding: When recording these revenues, School districts must use fund code 199, and charter schools must use fund code 420. Please report supplemental prekindergarten revenues as object code 5826, 5827, or 5828. These object codes are locally defined for reporting revenues from other state programs. Once they are reported to us, PEIMS converts them to object code 5829. Funds must be used to provide prekindergarten services consistent with the provisions of Texas Education Code, Chapter 29, Subchapter E.
Please contact State Funding at 512-463-9238 or sfinance@tea.state.tx.us for questions related to the funding amounts. Please contact the Financial Accountability Division at (512) 463-9238 or financialaccountability@tea.state.tx.us for questions about how to code supplemental funding amounts.

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