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Seguin Prepares To Take Back Operations Of Events Complex

The city of Seguin will take over management and operations of the Seguin Events Complex in January 2016. Currently, the Guadalupe Agricultural and Livestock Fair Association (GALFA) manages the complex, but its lease will end at the close of the year.
And so, with the transition, city officials are investigating what changes and renovations are needed at the facility. The city has surveyed six local groups that use the complex to determine what those changes might be. High on the list of needs were the horse barn and restroom facilities.


“The city wants to see the complex become a first class facility that will be an asset to the community,” Seguin Public Information Officer Morgan Ash said. “We hope it functions better for existing users of the complex, like Buck Fever, the Guadalupe County Fair Association and our rodeo and livestock events.”

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