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Texas State Endowment Achieves Milestone, Exceeds $200 Million

“Reaching the $200 million level in our university endowment is especially significant because it shows the great progress Texas State has made toward reaching our goal of becoming eligible…

San Marcos – The Total University Endowment at Texas State University has surpassed $200 million President Denise M. Trauth announced during the annual Convocation on August 24.

The milestone was achieved in May of this year, spurred by a series of gifts to the university.

“Endowment funds help us attract and retain the best and brightest students and faculty, expand our academic programs and pursue research activities,” Trauth said. “Reaching the $200 million level in our university endowment is especially significant because it shows the great progress Texas State has made toward reaching our goal of becoming eligible for the National Research University Fund. We’ve made the half-way mark and I have great confidence we are on the right path.”

Growing the Total University Endowment is significant in multiple ways. It helps Texas State to more effectively compete for the nation’s top students by being able to offer endowed scholarships. It also brings Texas State one step closer to qualifying for the National Research University Fund, one criteria of which is having an total endowment exceeding $400 million.

From September 2017 through May 2018, Texas State added an array of new endowments that boosted the Total University Endowment:

  • The Development Foundation added 23 new endowments valued at more than $700,000. Including additional contributions to existing endowments, the Development Foundation received gifts valued at more than $2.7 million.
  • The McCoy Foundation added 20 new endowments valued at $2.4 million. Of that, $2 million established the the Miriam & Emmett McCoy Scholars Endowment.
  • The University Foundation added four new endowments valued at $108,000. An additional gift from Grady Early to an existing endowment increased the total values of gifts to more than $1.3 million.


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