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Public Invited to CodeSMTX Open House Dec. 3

The City of San Marcos Planning & Development Services Department will host an all-day come and go open house to explore the initial strategies being proposed with CodeSMTX, a rewrite of the City’s Land Development Code, on Thursday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. in Room 3 of the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins.
“The open house will give residents an interactive look at the progress of CodeSMTX and provide opportunities for valuable input,” said Shannon Mattingly, Director of Planning & Development Services.
The event will feature 10-minute presentations every hour on the hour, informational stations on the progress and plans, and opportunities to provide feedback on this important project. These initial strategies have been crafted based on a series of community engagement efforts and the work of the code advisory committee, or Think Tank, over the last 18 months.
“CodeSMTX will update the Land Development Code with new options and tools to achieve the policies, goals, and objectives identified in the Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan,” said Abigail Gillfillan, CodeSMTX Project Manager. “The Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2013, is one of the most important tools our city has to guide growth in an effective, orderly manner that is consistent with the desires of the community.”
Join City Council members, fellow community members, land owners, and professionals to listen, learn, engage with City Staff and consultants and provide feedback on how well the proposed strategies are meeting the Vision established during the Comprehensive Plan.
For more information, contact the Planning & Development Services Department at 512.393.8230 or planning_info@sanmarcostx.gov. Information is also available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/codesmtx.

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