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Sen. Campbell Requests AG Opinion On San Antonio’s Annexation Proposition

Under the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act, authored by Sen. Campbell and passed in 2017’s special session, cities are required to hold a vote to get majority approval of residents before they can annex the area…

AUSTIN – State Senator Donna Campbell sent a request to Attorney General Ken Paxton for a legal opinion regarding the City of San Antonio’s upcoming ballot initiative on annexation. Under the Texas Annexation Right to Vote Act, authored by Sen. Campbell and passed in 2017’s special session, cities are required to hold a vote to get majority approval of residents before they can annex the area.

Senator Campbell’s request seeks legal guidance regarding the authority of San Antonio to impose fees and fines on residents of an extraterritorial jurisdiction who choose to vote against annexation.

Additionally, the request asks the Attorney General to determine whether San Antonio’s proposed ballot language constitutes a clear up or down vote by the citizens on the question of their property being annexed that satisfies the standard of definiteness established by the Texas Supreme Court.

“In matters between the citizens and the government, we must make sure that the  rights of the citizens always come first and that government does not abuse its authority to write ballot language or mislead voters regarding the choice in front of them,” said Senator Campbell. “The City of San Antonio is putting their heavy thumb on the scale to try and sway the outcome of this vote rather than asking a clear and concise question presented with facts regarding the implications of being annexed.”

“Nothing about the city’s case for annexing these areas makes sense given that they already have the power to protect the boundaries of military bases. Rather than waste time and money on a government overreach into the private property rights of Texans, the City of San Antonio should use its authority under state law to set up a 9-member Regional Military Sustainability Commission, which can restrict encroaching development within a 2 mile radius of JBSA, including in unincorporated areas.”

The full text of Senator Campbell’s request can be read HERE.


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