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Hays County Sheriff’s Office Confirm Rabid Bat In The Driftwood area

Hays County Sheriff’s Office responded to Carpenter Hill Elementary for a dead bad found on campus.

On August 29, 2018, the Hays County Sheriff’s Office responded to Carpenter Hill Elementary at 4410 RR 967, Buda, TX on a dead bat call.

The bat was found under the basketball hoop near the eastern parking lot, and all indications are that no human contact was made with the animal. The bat was examined by the Department of State Health Services and tested positive for the rabies virus.

If you or someone else may have come in physical contact with this animal, please call:

Hays County Sheriff’s Office, Animal Control Unit at (512) 393-7896 or The Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control at (254) 778-6744.


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