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San Marcos Establishes Workforce Housing Task Force

The task force is composed of 20 community leaders representing diverse perspectives on workforce housing challenges in San Marcos.

The City of San Marcos has established a Workforce Housing Task Force to assist the San Marcos City Council in developing a comprehensive housing policy to address housing challenges faced by working families in San Marcos.

The first public meeting of the task force will be held Thursday, Sept. 13 from 12 – 2 p.m. in Room 3 of the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins. Meetings of the task force are open to the public, and community input sessions will be scheduled for future meetings.

The task force is composed of 20 community leaders representing diverse perspectives on workforce housing challenges in San Marcos. Final recommendations from the task force are expected in the fall of 2019.

Addressing the housing gap
According to the 2012-2016 American Community Survey, the median family income in San Marcos is $46,736.

If housing accounts for a third of family income every year, half of the families in San Marcos can buy a home priced at no more than $154,200.

But according to 2017 MLS Data, the median price of all homes and condos sold in San Marcos last year was $200,200.

To address this gap between median income and available home prices, the City Council identified Workforce Housing as one of their five Strategic Initiatives in January 2018.

Additional key priorities are Public Transit, Stormwater Management; Community Partnerships and City Facilities.

Establishment of this Workforce Housing Task Force is one of the first steps in identifying and initiating housing solutions within the community.

For more information, contact Planning Manager, Abby Gillfillan at agillfillan@sanmarcostx.gov or 512.805.2635.


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