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San Marcos To Return To Stage 1 Drought Restrictions

“Even though we received moderate amounts of rainfall in our area, parts of the recharge zone received 10-plus inches over the last two weeks,” said Tom Taggart, Executive Director of Public Services.

The City of San Marcos will return to Stage 1 water restrictions effective Sept. 16 at noon due to generous rains over the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone.    

Stage 1 drought rules restrict use of sprinklers to one day per week on a designated weekday determined by address. Irrigation using hose-end sprinklers is allowed on the designated weekday before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m.

Irrigation with automatic irrigation systems is allowed on the designated weekday beginning at 8 p.m. and ending the following morning at 8 a.m. Hand watering and using soaker hoses or drip irrigation is allowed on any day and at any time. 

Stage 1 rules also limit at-home car washing, washing of impervious surfaces and foundation watering to one day per week.  Wasting water is prohibited. 

Full text of the Stage 1 rules can be found on the City of San Marcos website at www.sanmarcostx.gov/drought.

Stage 2 is terminated and Stage 1 implemented when the 10-day average Edwards Aquifer index well level rises above 650 feet above mean sea level (msl). On Sept. 12 the 10-day average aquifer level was at 655 feet and the daily reading was 663.4 feet.   

“Even though we received moderate amounts of rainfall in our area, parts of the recharge zone received 10-plus inches over the last two weeks,” said Tom Taggart, Executive Director of Public Services. “More rain is predicted for the region, so we are hopeful that Stage 1 drought restrictions can be suspended in the near future.”  

For more information please visit the City of San Marcos website or call Jan Klein at 512.393.8310. 


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