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An Amazing Year For The Corridor Region

Wow, what an amazing year, and not just for Corridor News, but for Hays County as a whole.


2015 finishes with the city of San Marcos as the fastest growing city for the third year in a row.


Development and growth have brought newly constructed single family homes, as well as more jobs this year, thanks to The Greater San Marcos Partnership, than in the last 12 years combined!


According to a KXAN report on Hays County earlier this year, “continued growth in Hays County catapulted it to the top of the list of fastest-growing counties in Texas, and fifth-fastest in the U.S. The data shows Hays County’s population changed 4.8 percent to 185,025 in 2014, compared to 176,483 in 2013 when it was the fifth fastest-growing county in Texas.”


As a region we endured two major flooding events this year, which tested our strength as a community. Hays County demonstrated extraordinary unity, pulling together in support, aid, empathy and friendship for fellow families, neighbors and communities.


As we turn toward a new year, let us not forget the lessons learned in 2015. Hold fast to the bonds of friendships forged through sodden hardships. Remember the ones we lost and the families still recovering from the historic floods as the clean-up continues.


2015 welcomed new businesses, while some long-time iconic ones closed or sold, with others ready to expand. We saw two new faces added to the San Marcos City Council, and the 84th Texas Legislature passed sweeping bills from, Guns, Taxes, Emergency Preparedness, all of which succeeded in taking major steps to protect Hays County Property and Water Rights.


San Marcos Corridor News also had an amazing year. We welcomed a new Managing Editor, Chauntel Seminerio, a new lifestyle columnist, Becky J. Miller aka Warrior Princess, and our one-year milestone whooshed past in September as we have constructed a fresh new website, scheduled to debut in January of 2016.


As of December 25th 2015, our the official Google Analytics report for the last 30 days’ traffic/hit’s totaled at 33,430.


San Marcos Corridor News would like to thank all of our loyal readers and wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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