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HCP To Host Monthly Sessom Natural Area Workday

“Monthly restoration workdays have been successful thanks to our wonderful volunteers,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager.

Habitat Conservation Plan seeks volunteers for the monthly Sessom Natural Area Workday on Saturday, Sept. 22.

Volunteers arrive at 7 a.m. at the Ella Lofts parking lot (817 Chestnut St.) to sign in, learn about the project, and enjoy free kolaches and coffee courtesy of Dos Gatos Kolache Bakery. Future events will be supported by Pie Society and Zelicks Icehouse.

“Monthly restoration workdays have been successful thanks to our wonderful volunteers,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager.

The San Marcos River has critical habitat for endangered and threatened species that is impacted by a number of water quality problems, primarily sedimentation and turbidity.

As a result, river restoration efforts have expanding into the watershed, specifically in Sessom Creek, because of its steep slopes, high impervious cover, and direct runoff into critical habitat.

By building berms to control erosion, removing non-native invasive species and broadcasting native seed, storm water runoff slows down, soaks in and less sediment goes into the river.  Great habitat is created for native animals too.  

“The idea is for the land to act like a giant sponge to absorb excess storm water during heavy rain events, filter out pollutants, and slowly release it through seeps and springs long after the rains end,” said Eric Weeks, Habitat Conservation Plan Specialist. 

Volunteers are asked to wear close-toed shoes. All supplies will be provided. Monthly Sessom Workdays will continue through the end of the year:  Oct. 20 at 9 a.m.; Nov. 17 at 10 a.m.; and Dec. 15 at 10 a.m.

For more information or to sponsor the event, contact Melani Howard at mhoward@sanmarcostx.gov.


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