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Wheels On The Bus Go Roar, Roar, Roar

“Our bus drivers at Wimberley ISD take their role of transporting District students very seriously. We are also fortunate that the men and women who are behind the wheel…” said Owen Baldwin, Wimberley ISD Director of Transportation.

hings are getting a little wild at the Wimberley ISD bus stops, all for a very good reason—to make sure pick-up time for the District’s youngest students goes off without a hitch.

Each bus has a sticker of a lion, a rabbit, a giraffe and even a dolphin among others, which corresponds to a tag on the student’s backpack.

“For our younger students, getting on a school bus can be a little scary, especially for the first time, so this is a great solution for Scudder in partnership with our WISD Transportation Department,” said Dara Richardson, Scudder Primary School Principal.

Students approach pick-up time with confidence and easily find the bus that will get them home when they spy the animal that corresponds to them.

It’s part of a District-wide effort to create an environment of support while fostering independence. Bus drivers step down to greet their young riders and teachers walk them in small groups to the buses.

“Our bus drivers at Wimberley ISD take their role of transporting District students very seriously. We are also fortunate that the men and women who are behind the wheel, take time to make sure their riders have a comfortable and positive experience,” said Owen Baldwin, Wimberley ISD Director of Transportation.

Baldwin implemented the idea of bus animals to add another level of excellence in customer service that is the hallmark of how his team operates. He also is always on the search for other great team members to assure continued success. Baldwin is confident that there is no better place to work than with his team.

“We would like to encourage anyone interested in joining our outstanding team of bus drivers and monitors to visit our website and submit an application,” Said Baldwin. “The position includes full benefits and competitive pay,” he added.

Email our transportation department at owen.baldwin@wimberleyisd.net or call 512-847-2781 for more information. Click the carers site to view all open positions at Wimberley ISD.

There are a little more than 2,400 students enrolled in the Wimberley ISD School District. About 800 students rely on the District’s bus transportation to and from school.


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