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Hands Free Ordinance Signs Posted in San Marcos

Signs around the city are urging residents to use hands free devices while on the road.
The City’s transportation department in coordination with the police department installed 35 hands-free signs citywide this month.
The signs are a reminder that beginning Feb. 1, it will be against city ordinance to use a cell phone or other handheld device while driving a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle in San Marcos unless a “hands-free” mode is engaged on the device.
The new law does not prohibit using handheld devices when a vehicle is at a complete stop or when a device is being used to contact emergency responders or police. The San Marcos City Council passed the hands-free ordinance back in November 2015.
The ordinance goes into effect Feb. 1, 2016, with a one-month grace period in which violators will be issued warnings only. Police officers will begin issuing citations March 1, 2016.
The new law prohibits the following while biking or driving:
Dialing, hanging up, or engaging in a telephone conversation
Viewing, taking, or transmitting electronic images
Using email
Using GPS or other navigation applications;  
Browsing the Internet
Playing games
Typing, reading, or sending text messages
Making telephone calls using hands-free functions is allowed, as is using GPS and navigation devices that are attached to the vehicle. The penalty for violating the ordinance is a fine of up to $100 for a first offense; up to $250 for a second offense; and up to $500 for third and subsequent offenses.
Information about the ordinance is available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/handsfree.   

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