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TWDB Looking For Public Comments For New State Flood Assessment Report

A history of flooding in Texas; the roles of local, state, and federal agencies relative to preparing for, mitigating, and recovering from floods; a summary of planning and infrastructure needs…

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has a public review and open comment period until Oct. 3 for their draft State Flood Assessment. This report will be completed by December 2018 and includes a history of flooding in Texas; the roles of local, state, and federal agencies relative to preparing for, mitigating, and recovering from floods; a summary of planning and infrastructure needs; and stakeholder input on how flood planning should proceed in the state.

This effort seeks to obtain and communicate, via a flood assessment report, the information that will determine the need for and benefits of statewide flood planning and financial investment.

Three goals that drive this effort include assessing risks and roles, estimating flood mitigation costs and determining the future of flood planning in Texas. Throughout this process, stakeholder input gathered through surveys, workshops and meetings has helped the TWDB better understand flood risks, flood planning efforts and flood mitigation needs in Texas.

There are three options for providing comments on this statewide assessment: 

  1. email comments to PUBLIC-COMMENT@twdb.texas.gov
  2. provide public testimony at the Oct. 3 board meeting; or 
  3. submit written comments to the following postal mail address: State Flood Assessment Public Comments, Texas Water Development Board, 1700 North Congress Avenue, P.O. Box 13231 Austin, TX 78711-3231.


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