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Help Select the Location of High School #3

Dear Hays CISD Parents, Students, Employees, and Community Members,
We have an exciting decision to make in 2016. The Board of Trustees has impaneled a citizen committee to recommend the location for the district’s third high school. Your voice is needed in the conversation.
Here’s how you can participate:
1. Visit www.hayscisd.net/hs3, read about the selection of the site, and submit your thoughts using the convenient electronic HS#3 SiteChat button.
2. Attend an upcoming public forum and speak in person:
Public Forum #1
Thursday, January 21, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.
Lehman High School Cafeteria
(Spanish translation services available at this meeting.)
Public Forum #2
Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.
Performing Arts Center
3. Speak during the public comments portion of any upcoming school board meeting. (http://www.hayscisd.net/board.cfm?subpage=294)
The decision:
Hays CISD currently owns four pieces of property that could accommodate a new high school. Any decision to build a new high school will be up to voters through a bond election as early as May 2017. The Board wishes to select the location of the district’s potential third high school prior to a bond election because it’s an important piece of information for voters and advance site work completed early would allow for the high school, if approved by voters, to open in 2019.
Potential locations:
View the property the district owns that could accommodate a high school. (http://www.hayscisd.net/files/filesystem/151119%20Map%20of%20Future%20HS%20Sites.pdf)
The criteria:
The high school #3 location committee has created a list an initial list of consideration criteria. (http://www.hayscisd.net/files/filesystem/000000%20criteria.pdf)
Thank you for your thoughts on this matter.
Tim Savoy


Hays CISD Public Information Office

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