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Wimberley HS Sophmore’s Summer Project Bridges Gap, Builds Character

“We all know that it was hot this summer, so that makes this story even more remarkable,” said Greg Howard, Danforth Junior High School Principal.

Fifteen-Year-Old Scout Hendrix noticed a need and fixed it. The Wimberley High School sophomore recruited a team and spent 120 hours building the new Wimberley ISD footbridge—a very successful Eagle Scout Project.

Hendrix embodies the can-do spirit and work ethic that makes Eagle Scouts stand out. It also shows incredible foresight by his parents, who named him “Scout.”

“We all know that it was hot this summer, so that makes this story even more remarkable,” said Greg Howard, Danforth Junior High School Principal. “Despite the heat, Scout prevailed in his work to build this bridge between our campuses and the district office. As a principal, it’s exciting to see students that walked our halls in junior high go on to do wonderful things and turn out this fantastic,” he added.

Hendrix is a Life Scout with the Wimberley Boy Scouts Troop 127. The Wimberley ISD Board of Trustees recognized him for his hard work and high-quality contribution to improving the District.

“Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to learn and improve as a person. I feel like I gained a lot from completing this footbridge and I can use this experience later in life on even bigger projects,” said Hendrix.

Part of Hendrix’s project included removing a dilapidated old bridge that could no longer be used as a safe passageway over a large ditch between campus buildings.

One of the many people who walk this path, Wimberley ISD Superintendent of Schools, Dwain York, was grateful for the craftsmanship and attention to detail, including his display of Texan spirit by painting it red and blue.

“I can’t thank you enough,” York told Hendrix. “This is the real deal. It’s a solid bridge. I’m so impressed. Anyone who hasn’t seen it or tried it out, should head back there and walk across it,” he added.

Local builder, Dave Osborn and Civil Engineer, Hugo Elizondo, Jr. advised Hendrix on the project and between the three of them, the shape of the bridge came together. All total, Hendrix and his volunteer team spent 425 hours on the footbridge.

Hendrix is awaiting his official promotion to Eagle Scout. The Board of Review will look over his footbridge, as well as his record of advancement, character and participation in troop campouts, service and civic events.


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