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Blue Duck Scooters Attempt Launch In San Marcos

“The University coordinates closely with the city on any transportation solution for the city and university,” said Herrera. “No one knew of this project or this effort. It was a surprise to everyone.”

By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor

On Friday, a San Antonio-based company, Blue Duck Scooters, launched their “eco-friendly eScooters” in San Marcos and near Texas State University’s campus.

Blue Duck is the first eScooter company to reach San Marcos; the company aimed to provide an alternative transportation system to residents as well as students at the university.

However, within hours of the scooters’ release, the university began impounding all Blue Duck scooters found on campus.

Blue Duck released a statement regarding the eScooters being removed “quickly and illegally” by university officials.

According to Jayme Blaschke, Director of Media Relations at Texas State University, the company placed the scooters on campus without consulting the university.

Steven Herrera, Director of Transportation at Texas State University, said the university was surprised to find the scooters; there had been no coordination or communication between the vendor and university officials about the issue.

“The University coordinates closely with the city on any transportation solution for the city and university,” said Herrera. “No one knew of this project or this effort. It was a surprise to everyone.”

Currently, the city and university have collaborated to bring a bike sharing program to San Marcos. VeoRide bicycles launched on September 20 to provide a new mode of transportation to residents and students.

According to a statement from Blue Duck, the scooters are still available in San Marcos, and the company says it is looking “forward to working together with Texas State University community to revise the situation.”

“Students looking to arrive to class and extracurricular activities in a quicker manner or simply travel around their favorite places by school are encouraged to take action and petition to allow Blue Duck Scooters to remain at Texas State,” said Eric Bell, Blue Duck Scooters Founder and President. “Blue Duck Scooters benefit students and commuters by offering a fast, fun and affordable transit option to ditch their car.”

However, Kristy Stark, the communications and IGR director for the City of San Marcos, said the scooters are not available in San Marcos; the vendor was asked by city officials Friday to remove all of the scooters, which had been placed around town.

According to Stark, city council will discuss the eScooters at their October 16 meeting “with the goal of determining if this is something they want to make available within the community.”


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