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San Marcos To Begin Work On Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation

The project will take approximately a year to complete, weather permitting. The project will replace deteriorating 6-inch to 15-inch clay sewer mains to improve system reliability and preserve and protect the recharge zone.

The City of San Marcos has contracted with Santa Clara Construction of Austin to replace approximately 6,300 feet of existing sanitary sewer mains located in various locations in the city that are either fully or partially within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. 

Construction is scheduled to begin Monday, Oct. 1 starting along Girard Street and Indiana Street. The project will take approximately a year to complete, weather permitting.

The specific locations are:

  • Bert Brown Road (from Post Road to 950 ft. along Bert Brown St.)
  • Brown Street (From Clara St. to North Bishop St)
  • Veramendi St (From start of street to Belvin)
  • Nevada St (from Castle Creek Dr. to Castle Gate Circle)
  • Sections of Hamilton St, Girard St, Furman Ave, Dale Drive, and Indiana St, adjacent to Craddock Avenue. 

The project will replace deteriorating 6-inch to 15-inch clay sewer mains to improve system reliability and preserve and protect the recharge zone.

Traffic controls around construction zones will be in place during daytime hours. The contractor will ensure driveways are accessible at all times in neighborhood areas.

For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov.


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