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Senator Campbell Statement On Judiciary Committee Vote To Advance Judge Kavanaugh

Senator Donna Campbell is Chairwoman of the Veteran Affairs and Border Security Committee and represents Senate District 25, including parts of San Antonio and Austin.

AUSTIN – Senator Donna Campbell released the following statement regarding the judiciary committee hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“I commend the Judiciary Committee for advancing Brett Kavanaugh’s name for a full vote on the Senate floor. Judge Kavanaugh is an exemplary federal judge with a lifetime of impeccable public service who has stood tall in the face of a tidal wave of coordinated partisan attacks. The disgraceful mockery that some have made out of this confirmation process is an abdication of their duty to advise and consent. I fear we are witnessing a low point in the history of our republic that has caused considerable harm to all parties involved. I congratulate Judge Kavanaugh and hope that we, as a nation, can put these divisive tactics behind us.”

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Sen-Campbell-Statement-on-Judiciary-Vote-on-Brett-Kavanaugh.pdf”]


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