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Painted Chicken House On Hopkins Protests Traffic

By Taylor Thompson 


Instead of feeling down on his cluck due to traffic plaguing his neighborhood, one San Marcos resident decided to paint chickens on his fence in protest.


George Zupp’s home on Hopkins St. is well known among San Marcos residents for the eccentric chicken paintings on his fence and house.


Gabriel Tirado, microbiology freshman, said he enjoys passing by the house while driving on Hopkins.


“It makes me wonder what could have started the trend of the chickens,” Tirado said. “I always love a nice house with a history.” Zupp said he decided to paint chickens around the house in 2000 because of the bad traffic on Hopkins St.


“The traffic on Hopkins St. was heavy in 1999,” Zupp said. “I wanted to make a psychological wall against it.”


Elizabeth Coleman, communication design freshman, said she thinks the house and its art is fun. “It has a fun and quaint atmosphere that really adds to the whole neighborhood,” Coleman said.


Zupp said people often compliment him on his home. “Yeah, they all like it,” he said.


Tirado believes the house could make a wonderful San Marcos tourist attraction, especially for those who have never been in the city.


“It shows that San Marcos has some quirky history,” Tirado said.


Zupp said he couldn’t imagine painting an animal other than chickens on and around the house, but if needed, goats would be his pick.“I wanted to mount statues of mountain goats on top of the house,” Zupp said. “Unfortunately, that’s too much work.”


Zupp said he is very proud of his chickens and gets excited when people take time to recognize his work.


“It is may be the only thing I’ve done that has really stuck,” Zupp said.


He has a Facebook page titled “Chicken Head Fence,” which features updates on the house and new artwork that appears around it.


In regards to newer projects, Zupp said he has some in mind for the future, even if they are very similar to his current poultry project.


“I want to add more figures to (the house), make statues,” Zupp said. “I also want to form some of my favorite party scenes from way back.”


Zupp said the chicken head fence and all the other artwork that goes along with it is definitely in San Marcos for the long haul. If he ever ends up selling the house, he expects the new owner to keep the fence standing for as long as possible.


“Whoever gets the fence, I hope it stays up forever,” Zupp said. “Even with all my do-hickeys on it.”


 This article originally published in the University Star.

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