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Flashing Yellow Arrow Turn Signals Installed Downtown

Flashing yellow arrow turn signals have to come to four intersections in downtown San Marcos.
As part of a larger upgrade of the City’s traffic signal system, the City’s Transportation Department is implementing flashing yellow arrow signals at dedicated left-turns throughout the City.
The flashing yellow arrow display has been required nationally by the Federal Highway Administration for new installations and upgrades since 2009 and has been mandated under Texas’ standards since 2011.
National studies have found that flashing yellow arrow signals improve intersection efficiency, increase safety, and are more effective at getting drivers to yield to oncoming traffic.
When the yellow arrow is flashing, drivers can turn left after yielding to traffic and pedestrians in the crosswalk. Oncoming traffic has a green light and the right of way. So, drivers turning left must wait for a gap.
“In addition to enhanced safety, the flashing yellow arrow will provide more signal phasing flexibility in the downtown area to improve synchronization and progression,” said Sabas Avila, Assistant Director of Public Services. “Anything that we can do to minimize the time that drivers are sitting at a signal just makes sense.”
Using existing operating funds, crews will continue to install the flashing yellow arrow signals throughout the City. All signals are expected to be upgraded to the new flashing yellow arrow standards by 2018.

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