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McCoys Donates Emergency Kits to Travis Elementary

As a result of the October 2015 flood that caused Travis Elementary to be evacuated, teachers and administration revisited the emergency procedures.  While the students and staff handled the emergency situation with calmness and efficiency, it was determined that students could have been made more comfortable if staff was equipped with an Emergency Kit.  Through the kindness and generosity of McCoy’s Corporation, Travis Elementary has been given 50 buckets with lids in order to assemble Emergency Kits.
The kits will include such items as:  a flashlight, non-perishable snacks, trash bags, scissors, tape, pens, markers, a notepad, baby wipes, tissues, toilet paper, and a first aid kit to name just a few resources that may be needed.
Travis Elementary greatly appreciates the generosity of McCoy’s and the support they lend to the community.

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