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Buda To Lift Stage 1 Drought Restrictions

Year-round conservation measures are in effect and we encourage everyone to continue to use water wisely. Irrigation with hose-end and automatic sprinkler systems is not allowed…

Due to continued rainfall and the removal of Stage 2 pumping restrictions from Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, the City of Buda has lifted Stage 1 drought restrictions.

Year-round conservation measures are in effect and we encourage everyone to continue to use water wisely. Irrigation with hose-end and automatic sprinkler systems is not allowed between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Residents can water on any day of the week, however customers are encouraged to voluntarily abide by the twice-per-week watering schedule.

Year-round water use allowances and conservation tips can be found in the links below:


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