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Texas State To Co-Sponsor 9th Race, Ethnicity And Place Conference

The conference will feature renowned scholars and practitioners from national and international arenas. There will be live music, food and activist participation throughout the event.

SAN MARCOS – The 9th Race, Ethnicity and Place (REP) Conference will be co-sponsored by both Texas State University and the University of Texas Geography Departments Oct. 23-25.

Sarah Blue, associate professor in the Department of Geography at Texas State, will co-host the event. The REP Conference will be held at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, located at 600 River Street in Austin.

The theme of the conference this year is Engaged Scholarship: Fostering Civil and Human Rights.

The conference will feature renowned scholars and practitioners from national and international arenas. There will be live music, food and activist participation throughout the event.

Keynote speakers include Cristina Tzintzùn, executive director of Jolt; Rebecca Flores, Pro Immigrant Coalition founder and former United Farm Workers of America state director; and Edmund T. Gordon, vice provost for diversity and chair of the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

The registration fee is $200 for faculty or professionals and $150 for students. The registration and fee includes the opening reception on Oct. 23, coffee and lunch on Oct. 24-25, as well as a closing gala dinner on Oct. 25.

For further information about the event, visit www.repconference.org.


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