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Kappa Sigma Partners with the City on Inlet Marking Program

Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Texas State University partnered with the City of San Marcos on the City’s Volunteer Inlet Marking Program. 
The group of 30 volunteers installed markers on 47 curb inlets and picked up eight bags of litter from downtown streets and alleys.  The group also installed plants in the flowerbeds around the square. 
The Volunteer Inlet Marking program is a part of the City’s MS4 Stormwater Management Plan. The event was hosted by the City of San Marcos, Public Services – Transportation Division and the Main Street Program.  Curb inlet markers contain the message “No Dumping, Drains to River” and are installed to remind downtown users to keep trash and other waste off of the street and out of the storm drain system. 
“Many people aren’t aware that water entering the storm drain system does not receive treatment before it is discharged into the river. Pollutants, including trash, oil, and pet waste, are picked up by stormwater and carried directly into the river.  These pollutants can have a very harmful effect on the environment,” said Shawn Wolfshohl, Stormwater Systems Manager for the City of San Marcos.
The group not only picked up trash to reduce the harmful effects it has on the river, but also beautified the downtown area ahead of the Valentine’s Day weekend.  San Marcos was recently named one of the most romantic main streets in the country by Main Street America. 
If you are interested in participating in the City’s Volunteer Inlet Marking program visit our webpage at www.sanmarcostx.gov/stormwater or contact Shawn Wolfshohl at 512-393-8019.

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