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San Marcos Police Department Receives Donation Of 25 Headsets From Leadership San Marcos

“We want to send a big thank you to Leadership San Marcos for their generous donation and tireless efforts to provide these resources to our 911 operations,” said Support Services Manager Audry Verver.

Leadership San Marcos has donated 25 headsets for telecommunications officers at the San Marcos Police Department.

Leadership San Marcos Class of 2019 held fundraisers for San Marcos first responders, including EMS, the San Marcos Fire Department, the San Marcos Police Department, and San Marcos 911. 

“We want to send a big thank you to Leadership San Marcos for their generous donation and tireless efforts to provide these resources to our 911 operations,” said Support Services Manager Audry Verver. “Community partners such as this are invaluable to the police department and all emergency personnel.”

The donation to San Marcos 911 provided 25 new headsets that telecommunication officers (TCOs) use to answer 911 for emergencies and administrative phone lines for non-emergency calls for the City of San Marcos. These headsets are also used for radio communications with first responders. 

More information about Leadership San Marcos and the community projects they sponsor can be found online at http://leadershipsanmarcos.org.

Featured Image: Leadership San Marcos Class of 2019 donated 25 Telecommunications headsets to San Marcos 911 telecommunications.


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