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Weekly News Round Up Of The State’s Top Law Enforcement Officer – Texas Attorney General

Requests and Opinions, Travis County and Texas Child Support Division Conducts Child Support Roundup

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton is the lawyer for the State of Texas and is charged by the Texas Constitution to:

  • defend the laws and the Constitution of the State of Texas
  • represent the State in litigation
  • approve public bond issues

To fulfill these responsibilities, the Office of the Attorney General serves as legal counsel to all boards and agencies of state government, issues legal opinions when requested by the Governor, heads of state agencies and other officials and agencies as provided by Texas statutes.

The Texas AG sits as an ex-officio member of state committees and commissions, and defends challenges to state laws and suits against both state agencies and individual employees of the State.

Many Texans look to the Office of the Attorney General for guidance with disputes and legal issues. The agency receives hundreds of letters, phone calls and visits each week about crime victims’ compensation, child support, abuse in nursing homes, possible consumer fraud and other topics. To find out more about the Texas Attorney General, visit the official website at https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/.




AG Ken Paxton Calls Attention to Domestic Violence on Go Purple Day

AUSTIN – For the fourth consecutive year, on the third Thursday in October, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the OAG employees participated in Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) Purple Thursday event.

Every year, OAG employees are encouraged to Go Purple! in support of survivors and to raise awareness of and take a stand against domestic violence.

“I am proud of the many ways my office combats domestic violence and defends Texas families. Far too many of our friends, family members, colleagues, and community members have been affected by domestic abuse. We all have the potential to make a difference in someone’s life. Together, we can raise awareness of the need to make sure Texans feel safe at home,” said Attorney General Ken Paxton.

The OAG’s efforts to promote domestic violence awareness demonstrate the office’s commitment to helping victims and survivors of domestic violence establish and maintain a life free from abuse. Almost half (47 percent) of Texans report having experienced some sort of domestic violence in their lifetime.


Opinion: KP-0221 Whether a municipality with authority to adopt and enforce land regulations near a military base pursuant to section 43.0117 of the Local Government Code may impose fees and fines under that authority, and whether the City of San Antonio’s proposed annexation ballot language meets the requirements of state law

Request for Opinion: RQ-0246-KP

Summary: A court would likely conclude that a municipality acting under Local Government Code subsection 43.0117(b) may impose fines and penalties that are adopted under and enforce an ordinance adopted pursuant to that subsection provided the ordinance is consistent with the most recent joint land use study.

A court would likely conclude that the ballot language adopted by the City of San Antonio’s resolution calling the election under subsection 43.0ll 7(b) is sufficient under Texas Supreme Court precedent.

Election Code section 65.009 provides that a vote for a measure shall be counted if the voter’s intent is clearly ascertainable. The City’s plan to count ballots voting for both propositions or left blank as a vote in favor of Option 2 is contrary to this provision because such ballots do not indicate a clearly ascertainable intent for Option 2.


Request: RQ-0253-KP Competitive bidding requirements applied to municipal airport operation

To review request: RQ-0253-KP

Received: Monday, October 15, 2018
Re: Competitive bidding requirements applied to municipal airport operation
Requestor: The Honorable Rod Ponton
Presidio County Attorney
Post Office Drawer M
Marfa, Texas 79843


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