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San Marcos City Council Race For Place 6 Heating Up

Party bosses and Democrat elected office holders are now calling for Ruben Becerra to suspend his race for County Judge, while encouraging candidates to abandon councilwoman Melissa Derrick for her role…

by David LeDoux

Dear San Marcos Corridor News Readers,

As the author of the story below, I owe our readers, managing editor and publisher, an apology. There have been many times I have overlooked adding my name to the stories I have written on Corridor. My passion is getting the story out and not the recognition of putting my name on my work. I have written for Corridor and Melissa within a couple of months of her getting this project off the ground. I want to humbly apologize for the confusion and frustration this has caused our readers, and Terra Rivers, Corridor’s managing editor, and Melissa Jewett, publisher/owner. If you would like to reach out to me, please feel free to email me at david@smcorridornews.com.


The Arredondo for City Council campaign released a web ad, sending shockwaves through the Hays County Democratic Party. Party bosses and Democrat elected office holders are now calling for Ruben Becerra to suspend his race for County Judge, while encouraging candidates to abandon councilwoman Melissa Derrick for her role in these political favors to Becerra.

“Voters in San Marcos deserve to know the truth. In the era of ‘Fake News’, San Marcos deserves better than want-to-be career politicians lying to our faces about avoiding taxes, backroom deals, and calling in favors from Melissa Derrick in closed-door meetings.” said Juan Miguel Arredondo.

The new web ad released Friday afternoon is a sharp look at Becerra and Derrick, using their own statements as evidence of having misled voters, while backing up that assertion with countless news reports and public records.

“While egoists are busy playing the blame game and pointing fingers, they’re asleep at the wheel on accountability. That’s what is driving San Marcans to the polls in historic fashion.”

A series of mailers against Becerra and Derrick have hit mailboxes in recent days, as Becerra’s comments about financial misdeeds and his over $90,000 in unpaid taxes have put party leaders in a tough position, with many calling on the Democrat county judge candidate to suspend his campaign, while distancing themselves from Melissa Derrick.

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