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San Marcos Regional Airport Shows Dramatic Increase In Contribution To Local Economy

“As the interest in our airport increases, it’s important we have a solid guide in place for future infrastructure and continued success,” said San Marcos City Manager Bert Lumbreras.

Staff Reports

The Texas Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division commissioned a Texas Aviation Economic Impact Study, which reported the San Marcos Regional Airport has increased its contribution to local economy dramatically over the last eight years.

The study, which is used to measure the economic benefits provided by the state’s airport system, examined both direct and secondary impacts attributed to airport-related activity.

Direct impacts account for activities by on-airport businesses and government agencies and the off-airport visitor spending at locations like hotels and restaurants.

Secondary and multiplier impacts occur when companies incur business expenses and from the recirculation of direct impacts within the boundaries of the economic region.

“The study reinforces and helps quantify what we already knew,” said Jim Wimberly with Texas Aviation Partners (TAP), the firm that has managed the airport on behalf of the City since 2010. “Growth and activity that happens at the airport has a real ripple effect throughout the entire region.”

According to a comparison between a similar study from 2010 and 2018’s, San Marcos Regional Airport’s total economic output has increased from $44.9 million to $82.1 million – an 82 percent increase. The upward trend is echoed in the airport’s revenues which have increased from $293,000 in FY 2011 to $604,000 in FY 2018 – a 106 percent increase.

Additionally, the study found that San Marcos ranks 16th out of 264 non-commercial service airports for economic output in Texas.

Wimberly added that the economic output figures do not include revenue the City of San Marcos and Caldwell County receive from property taxes – another component the city will consider when updating the Airport Master Plan.

“As the interest in our airport increases, it’s important we have a solid guide in place for future infrastructure and continued success,” said San Marcos City Manager Bert Lumbreras. “We have a tremendous asset in our Airport and it’s vitally important we use this Master Plan as a valuable tool in determining needs and programming future development.”

The Master Plan project, scheduled to kick off this week, will look at long-term airport use, anticipated projects and funding needs over the next 5-10 years.

More information: https://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/division/aviation/eco-impact-aviation.html


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