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Live Rabid Bat Found In Dripping Springs Student’s Jacket

The bat was examined by the Department of State Health Services and tested positive for the rabies virus.

*Hays County Sheriff’s Office amended the original release of how the bat was discovered at Sycamore Springs Elementary School.*

On October 26, 2018, the Hays County Sheriff’s Office responded to Sycamore Springs Elementary School located at 14451 Sawyer Ranch Road, Austin, Texas, on a live bat call.

At approximately 2:45 pm, the bat was discovered in a student’s jacket that had been left on the playground. Once brought inside, the bat fell out of the jacket. The bat was examined by the Department of State Health Services and tested positive for the rabies virus.

The teacher immediately isolated the bat from the students until Hays County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control took possession of the bat.

Anyone who may have come in physical contact with this animal is asked to all the Hays County Sheriff’s Office, Animal Control Unit at (512) 393-7896 or The Department of State Health Services Zoonosis Control at (254) 778-6744.


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